Area E4 – International Speech and Evaluation contests

Zuriberg Toastmasters Club is very proud to host the International Speech and Evaluation contests for Area E4.

We are hosting four contests:
1.  International Speech contest in German
2.  International Speech contest in English
3.  Evaluation contest in German
4.  Evaluation contest in English

Date and time:
29th March with registration from 6:15pm

Blue Monkey Restaurant
Stüssihofstatt 3
8001 Zürich

Agenda (DRAFT):
18:30                 Briefing for contestants

18:30                 Briefing for judges, time keepers and counters

18:15 – 19:00    Registration and Order Dinner
Click <here> for the full agenda details

Please purchase a meal for dinner or pay a CHF20 cover charge. Attendees are politely reminded that the room hire is covered against the cost of a meal and Zuriberg covers all other costs. This requirement is waived for contestants.

Please contact one of the contest coorganizers.
Karina Castella (
Tim Birch (

Many thanks and we very much look forward to welcoming you to the International Speech and Evaluation Contests

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