Zuriberg mentoring programme

Zuriberg mentoring programme is designed to support new members who are getting started on their Toastmasters journey. Mentees are paired with a mentor – an experienced member who has the necessary knowledge and skills to guide the new member.

Role of the mentor

  • Agree how you will meet/communicate;
  • Provide support in how to use pathways/tutorials; 
  • Explain how to sign up in ‘easy-Speak’ for roles and speeches;
  • Emphasise importance of indicating presence / absence on easy-Speak;
  • Help the mentee set realistic, achievable goals on their TMI journey;
  • Discuss speech evaluations with mentee; help prioritise and filter feedback; 
  • Support the mentee to integrate into the club, and build their own network.

The role of the mentee (protégé)

  • Contact your mentor (via e-mail, phone, etc, or at meetings as agreed);
  • Sign up in ‘easy-Speak’ for the 4 first roles: Icebreaker, timer, ah-counter, evaluation;
  • Indicate in advance your attendance absence for meetings;
  • Follow through on goals; 
  • Ask for constructive feedback after completion of tasks (roles);
  • Discuss the feedback (evaluation/s) you received on your prepared speeches; 
  • Ask for support and introductions to other members as needed.

Benefits for the mentor

  • Learn new skills;
  • Learn from your mentee;
  • Assist others;
  • Clarify your own knowledge; 
  • Get credit for a “Pathways project”

Benefits for the mentee

  • Understanding the Toastmaster program;
  • Learn club standards and customs;
  • Develop confidence;
  • Participate in club meetings and activities;
  • Build a network.

Responsibilities of the mentor and mentee

The mentor must be available, patient, respectful, flexible. The same goes for the mentee. Additionally, the mentee should understand that the mentor is offering up their time to support the mentee. Completing tasks and projects in timescales agreed with the mentor is important to maintain the good relationship. The mentor should also ensure that they’re not imposing their own goals on the mentee. The mentor is there only to guide. It is the mentee’s goals that we’re trying to support.

Toastmasters International’s pathway programme includes a compulsory level two project, “Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring”. To sign up for this project, contact the VP-education .

Sign up to Zuriberg mentoring programme

To sign up to become a mentor, or to be assigned a mentor, contact the VP-mentoring.

+41 77 222 4444