Dear new member, welcome to Zurich’s Zuriberg Toastmasters Club! We wish you a lot of success, fun and incredible learning.
You may be asking yourself, ‘How do I jumpstart my Toastmasters journey?’
As a newly inducted member, you have pledged to attend meetings regularly and to prepare your speeches and leadership assignments to the best of your abilities.
To achieve that, let’s get familiar with our two key platforms: EasySpeak and Toastmasters International.
EasySpeak ⎮Toastmasters International ⎮Pathways
EasySpeak ( is the go-to place to announce your meeting attendance and subscribe for roles. As a fresh member:
- Log in using the details sent to you in an email;
- Change your password and familiarize yourself with the site;
- Navigate to Menu ⇾ Meetings ⇾ Meeting on DD-MM and indicate whether you will join. Do this a few months in advance. If things change, you can always go back and change from attend to not attending or vice versa. Letting us know if you can or cannot attend a meeting helps us with planning.
- Note if it is an in-person or online meeting.
- If it is a regular club meeting (sometimes we do specials, e.g. workshops), you can sign up on the page for roles as well.
Toastmasters International
Toastmasters International is your access point to Pathways, a comprehensive learning program that will accompany you throughout your membership. Once you receive the log in details, your account has been activated.
- Log in and familiarize yourself with the site
- Go to Pathways, take the self-assessment, set your goals and select your (development) path.
- Go back to EasySpeak and request your first speech by navigating to Menu ⇾ My Participation ⇾ Sign up for Meetings. Our VP Education will help you plan your first speech (‘Icebreaker’) and assist with your education path. A good practice and motivator is to set out a plan for the Path Level you tackle and sign up for all meetings at once.
Note that we ask you to alternate between meetings where you are delivering a prepared speech and meetings where you take up a role. To get a mentor assigned, reach out to our VP Mentoring.
Lastly, we invite you to join our vibrant community on WhatsApp (members-only), Facebook and Meetup.
Pathways, the Toastmasters learning program
The Pathways learning experience is an interactive and flexible education program like no other. It was created to help you strengthen your communication and leadership skills as you grow toward personal and professional success—all while having fun with others in the process!

Find handy links and details below.