Zuriberg end of year Christmas party

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By Nicola Von Lutterotti

What a cheerful evening we had last night. Thanks, Lesley and Michelle, for a wonderful set of games! They brought astonishing salesperson qualities in some of us to life – especially in Mark and Etienne who excelled in selling Christmas gifts no one really needed. The money we raised will be spent at the first meeting in January!

Kyle demonstrated most vividly, what it means to have a Toastmasters meeting in a train travelling at 300km/h: with strangers stubbornly remaining on a seat owned by Toastmasters (for 3.5 hours), conductors rudely interrupting Table Topic Speakers and passengers shoving debaters who were just about coming to the point. This is Toastmasters in real life. May those who weren’t there regret to have missed this memorable event for the rest of their life!

Finally, Hicham’s hilarious taboo game (since Tuesday internationally spelled tabu) challenged us to use our brains one last time. Julia, the guesser, was amazing. She sometimes found out the correct word by reading our minds. Wow, we foresee a great future for her.

Dear members of Zuriberg, have a wonderful Christmas season and a happy, successful and fun new year. Talking about happiness, success and fun: The best way to get all three is to come to our club meetings! The next one will be on January 16th!

Cheers and see you next year, Nicola

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