Dear Zuriberg Toastmasters and Friends

Last night – yet again, Zuriberg TMC presented itself at its best! We were literally ‘enchanted’ (word of the day) by 4 beautiful (Beauty the theme of the evening) prepared speeches. Sasha Merian introduced himself to the Club with a very personal and thoughtful Icebreaker; ‘Confession of an addiction’, and Elias Milano brought appreciation and knowledge about the intricacies of Speciality Coffee with a short but meaningful presentation and a well organized Q & A under the title: ‘Brewtiful’ to our awareness. Emilio Lella’s play on words: ‘VAT’s up’ entailed the development of his professional career and how serendipity is offering us all chances in life – but that we need to be open and prepared to recognize and harness them. Finally Monica Vlad presented us with a personally lived example of how value assumptions are often the result of a particular perspective and thus may severely limit ou r longer term options in (professional) life – with her speech: ‘Network your way through life’! The excellent speeches were followed by equally valuable and well thought out evaluations by Roxy, Luca Selma and Kevin.
Harry Loots rounded the performance part of the evening with a treasure bag of objects (literally), triggering amazingly diverse table topic speeches. A big thanks goes to the highly talented and by now quite routined host of the evening, Vanessa Stournary and Alice Nuslaova as general evaluator as well as her team – covering the formal aspects of the meeting.
There are two upcoming events I’d like to draw your special attention to:
Division Contest 22. April 2023
Please register to support our two well positioned competitors Alice Nuslova and Monica Vlad, who are competing in the evaluation and international speech contests respectively: As a bonus, there will be guestspeeches by Marcel Weinberger – an adventurer who travels to remote places and captures its beauty and Marco Albasio, a former Laser engineer, who lists among his interests Quantum physics, and now runs a Tea Store in Milan.
General Assembly and Election of Club Officers 9. May 2023
You might not be aware – but one of the ‘Specialities’ of Zuriberg Toastmaster Club is that the Club is in effect an Association under Swiss Law! By joining Zuriberg you automatically become a member of this association (more about this in a separate post). As such the Club will hold its Annual General Assembly on May 9th 2023 and of course all members are cordially invited (or to say it with other words: ‘friendly nudged’) to attend! So please safe the date – a separate official invitation will follow.
With best wishes for a productive rest of the week and kind regards
Please click here for details of our next club meeting
Roland Straub