Dear fellow Toastmasters
I sometime hear the underhanded and possibly somewhat ‘woke’ remark that contemporary life is loosing the power to celebrate. And there might be a kernel of truth to that often rather innocently uttered complaint because the desire to be entertained and amused is high on anybody’s list these days. However, contrary to the passive nature of receiving pleasure afforded by an amusing act or a spectacle – Celebration is a confrontation; it means giving attention to the transcendent meaning of our actions.

And this is exactly what happened at the occasion of Zuriberg Toastmaster Club 2nd annual Award Dinner yesterday. Tatyana was the most graceful and eloquent host of this special evening and as ‘Lady in red’ (‘I have never seen that dress you’re wearing’) did share litte ‘rebellious’ secrets about all the performers of the evening! The two specially honored members were Michelle Sabatini and Nicola von Lutterotti. Nicola, more engaged in her professional life than ever, is not only an honored and most distinguished Toastmaster but also in high international demand at scientific conferences and podiums. Thus Zuriberg had to take second row and bestow the award ‘in absence’! All the more did we all celebrate the presence of Michelle and members and well wishers are looking forward to raise their glass with Nicola at the occasion of the Club’s Xmas Celebration on Dezember 13th!
Thirty members and guests (among them the Area Director Christina Gomez and the District 109 Director Karina Castella – who is of course a member of Zuriberg TMC) – seated at the festively prepared large banquet table – had the privilege to witness two exceptionally well prepared recognition speeches – by Santhiago Alves Vieira for Nicola and by Harry Loots for Michelle and in true Toastmaster manner these star performers got well formulated and very appropriate feedback from Alice Nuslova (Santiago) and Thomas Mühlegger (Harry)! The evening ended with aligned Table Topics which were won by Riccardo Stella.
I take this opportunity to thank all the contributors to this indeed most successful demonstration of a Toastmaster Showcase and all members and guests for their help and contribution to make this Club the vibrant and truly ‘alive’ organization it is!
Best wishes
Please click here for details of our next club meeting
Roland Straub