On Tuesday evening 14 January, Zuriberg Toastmasters held their annual International Speech Contest. Contest Chair, and Toastmaster of the Evening, Gabriel briefed contestants before the meeting started. Explaining where the stage area is, where timers would be sitting, and generally making sure they were informed.
Due to this being a first meeting in a new venue, we had to interrupt our meeting flow to allow Robin’s bar & coffee staff to take members’ orders. While orders were being taken, Gabriel entertained us with how the word ‘papa’ in Spanish has different meanings in different contexts. Come and listen to his next speech to find out how papa may be used and perhaps misinterpreted. Filling in the time, while orders were being taken, Yani shared how the Chinese word ‘hai’ with different intonation could have different meanings. I don’t think anyone in the audience was able to detect the difference between the slight, nuanced pronunciations that Yani used while explaining various possible meanings.

Then it was time for the contest! Two last-minute withdrawals due to sickness left Thomas and Michelle as our only contestants for the evening. Both presented brilliant speeches. Thomas on his love letter he wrote to his beloved England, and Michelle sharing, among other things, why you shouldn’t whistle when you’re covered in dung. Thomas and Michelle, who placed first and second respectively, will present our club at the Area E4 Contest on the evening of 12 March (time to be announced), at UBS building, Badenerstrasse 574, Zurich.
Two brief evaluations of the speeches were delivered by Vanessa and Samira. Followed by a Table Topic session where teams of two debated the merits of two proposals. An opportunity to both practice impromptu speaking and parliamentary procedure.
In favour of the ‘ban on the burqa’ were Anna & Christian; against Joran & Yani. In favour of ‘mandatory use of winter tyres’ were Rafael & Nathalie and against Ana-Maria & Stefan. The latter pair were voted best Table Topic speakers of the evening. The club’s support was against the ban and mandatory use of winter tyres.
Michelle! For having completed the Effective Coaching path!
Our new members Nina, Rebekka, Nur, Dinesh, and Claudia, who joined us during the past month. We wish you success in your Toastmasters journey.