Journeying Together: Highlights from the last Toastmasters Meeting, March 26th

Fellow Toastmasters and welcome guests,

At today’s travel-themed meeting, we embarked on an unforgettable odyssey. Alice, our President, welcomed everyone with enthusiasm, reflecting on the clubs success in the district contest before setting the stage for an evening of exploration and discovery.

Gabriele, stepping into the role of Toastmaster for the first time, guided us through the agenda with confidence and grace. Vassilis also made his debut, taking on the timing responsibilities with precision, marking today’s session as a significant milestone for both.

The word of the day, “odyssey,” chosen by our Grammarian Kevin, perfectly captured the spirit of our gathering and the journeys our speakers shared.

Speeches, evaluations and table topics

Our speakers, DenisseAaronThomas, and Innocent, took us on diverse and captivating journeys. From Denisse’s exploration of how for her the poems from Robert Burns are linked to income inequality and global warming to Aaron’s vibrant revisit of his speech on Ikigai a month ago, Thomas’s reflections on our choice in the choice of our communication style, and Innocent’s insights into the power of words, each speech was a beautiful journey in itself. 

The feedback sessions, led by evaluators YaniZsoltMichelle, and Elias, provided constructive insights, helping our speakers navigate their paths to improvement.

Karina’s Table Topics session was an impromptu speaking adventure in to the land of deep thinking, challenging participants to think and speak on their feet based on quotes from famous philosophers. SlawekRoland,  BenAnton, and Mathieu put their own take on philosophy to the test.


As we concluded, Sabina, our General Evaluator, and Alice offered final remarks and awards, reflecting on the successes of our meeting’s journey. Thomas, Elias and Slawek won in their respective categories – well done!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone, especially Gabriele and Vassilis for their debut roles, for making this meeting a memorable odyssey. Here’s to many more journeys together in the spirit of Toastmasters.

Safe travels on your speaking journey,

Richard Bruckner
Please click here for details of our next club meeting

Richard Bruckner

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