Zuriberg Christmas Party 2018

Do you belong to the millions and millions of people around the globe who believe in astrology and who set their hopes for the New Year in an auspicious alignment of the stars? Or are you more of the scientific type, who believes in science instead, like our very own, brilliant toastmaster Tatyana Mishchenko?

Tatyana gave a hilarious, entertaining and thoughtful talk in celebration of our year-end party at TM Zuriberg. She conclusively proved how well the stars aligned with our Toastmasters club in 2018:

  • black holes colliding
  • new planets popping up
  • new galaxies forming
  • oddly shaped objects and a highly visible comet flying by the Earth
  • Jupiter being “upgraded” to planet status

And at the same time our club:

  • Welcomed many new members
  • Saw Hicham Adamou “upgraded” to Area Director
  • Hosted “flying by” Toastmasters from Japan and Qatar
  • Conducted a joint evening with the German-speaking Zurich Rhetorik Club (we can highly recommend this inspiring experience!)
  • Club officers resurfaced as active speakers (Nicola von Lutterotti and Sergey Sarykalin)
  • Left a trail on the international speaker stage (Lesley Stephenson)
  • and established new TM clubs (the Youth TM club, founded by Kyle Bullus, and the Credit Swiss TM, founded by Margherita Brodbeck-Roth in 2018).

There was also a lot of entertaining storytelling (Nicola von Lutterotti and Karina Castella), a story-reading (Sonja Bonin) and a fabulous, funny table topics session led by Kyle Bullus. 

Thank you and shout out to our beloved president, Michelle Sabatini, to Tatyana, Kyle and all contributors for making this a delightful, memorable evening! And Massimo for taking the photos

We look forward to an equally exciting new year at TM Zuriberg, starting with a special table topics marathon on January 8 (in addition to our regular meeting on January 15th)which should prepare us well for the club contest on February 26th!

Happy New Year to all Zuribergers, guests and all Toastmasters around the world!

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