Burn’s Night – Deepdive for Meeting January 30th

Dear all

Worldwide, the 25th of January each year is dedicated to the memory of Robert Burns, the son of Scottish farmer parents. Born in 1759, Burns died in 1796 at the relatively young age of 37. In that short period of time he wrote more than 550 poems and songs. Translated into at least 43 languages, including Hindu, Urdu, and Russian. Leaving behind a legacy considered unparalleled in the literary world by some. 

Some of his poems denounced “the immorality of the rich, fighting oppression with ‘Christian’ values”, and attacked the corruption and incompetence of the governing elite, as depicted by the card-playing landowners in “The Twa Dogs”. Especially after his death, he became a source of inspiration for liberalism and socialism. So it should come as no surprise that in Russia he became known as the “people’s poet during the revolutionary period. Later, his work was endorsed by the Soviet Communist Regime, who described Burns as a “progressive”. 

But it was perhaps as a pioneer of the ‘Romantic movement’ – characterised by its emphasis on emotion and individualism as well as glorification of nature – that his poetry became best known!

On Tuesday, after the initial club business has been dealt with, we will follow a traditional Burns’ Night programme. We’ll pipe in our dinner, say our toasts (with Whisky) to the food. Haggis for the non-vegetarians, and a ragù-type dish for the rest. Accompanied by neeps, and tatties. After dinner, we’ll follow with more toasts, first to the immortal memory of Robert Burns, and then by a toast to the lassies, to which a lassie will reply with a toast to the laddies. 

During the final part of the programme, three of our members will contribute poetry readings, before we close our Burns’ Night celebration. 

So, come and learn more about this inspirational Scot, and watch our members take on challenges beyond the ordinary speaking projects we normally encounter, while entertaining us with the unforgettable poetry of Robert ‘Rabbie’ Burns.  

See you Tuesday

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