Dear fellow Zuriberg Toastmasters,
I am thrilled to recap the remarkable events of our last evening’s Club Speech Contest, an evening filled with the spirit of competition, camaraderie, and exceptional speeches. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to the incredible individuals who organized and facilitated the contest, elevating the experience for everyone involved.

Alice, Kevin, and Richard, our dedicated contest chairs, and Chief Judge, demonstrated outstanding leadership by taking on these challenging roles. They ensured that all rules were followed meticulously, fostering an environment of fairness, and allowing our contestants to shine. Their inclusion of humor and engaging interviews seamlessly integrated fun into the formal framework of Toastmasters contests.
A special mention goes to the magnificent Zunftsaal at Zimmerleuten, providing a historical backdrop that added a unique charm to our public speaking competition. Competing in such an inspiring medieval setting, in the heart of Zurich where significant decisions once shaped the future of the city, enhanced the overall experience.

Speakers΄ Highlight
Elias shared a poignant personal story of his childhood in the south of Argentina, illustrating how those experiences continue to influence his professional and personal life. His well-structured, authentic, and conversational style earned him the well-deserved second place in the International Speech Contest.
Myself, Vanessa embarked on a journey to enhance my public speaking skills and triumphed with the first-place award. The speech was crafted with a clear structure, empowering language, and a conscious focus on vocal variety, aimed to inspire.
Table Topics Speech Contest
The Speech Contest Type is, Zuriberg’s absolute favorite! It showcased the impromptu speaking skills of eight participants. Thomas, a history enthusiast, transported us back to Napoleon’s coronation in Paris, December 2nd, 1804, claiming the first-place prize. Christina, exploring the concept of time travel, delivered a powerful message about living in the present, earning her the second spot in the area contest.
Closing thoughts
As we reflect on the success of the Club Speech Contest, let’s not forget the unsung heroes behind the scenes. A heartfelt thank you to our judges and visible contest officials, Emilio, Svetlana, Hugo, Anna, and our Area Director Santhiago for their invaluable support. Managing formalities may not be easy, but it enriches our educational journey by providing insights into what makes a speech excel at the competition level.

To all members, I encourage you to consider stepping up and taking on a role in the upcoming season contests. Whether it’s as a judge, timer, ballot counter, or any other vital position, you will undoubtedly grow and contribute to the success of our Toastmasters community.
In closing, let’s celebrate the success of our recent contest and look forward to the growth and inspiration that future contests will undoubtedly bring. Who knows, perhaps a Zuriberger will represent us at the District Level Competition in Istanbul on May 11th!
Thank you all for making the Club Speech Contest Zuriberg 2024, a truly memorable event!
Best regards,
Vanessa Stournari
President Zuriberg Toastmasters Club