Debate – what a challenge!

What a meeting! First, we had two high-level speeches: Hui Mei explained to us what to expect when we look in a – literal or metaphorical – mirror and Marc Suter took us on a trip to ancient Carthage when moonlight encounters of local women with Roman soldiers were deadly (for the Latin lovers, not the girls for a change). Thanks also to Adrian and Piotr for two excellent evaluations: Given the quality of the speeches it wasn’t easy to point out room for improvement.

After dinner, Giorgio Ripamonti chaired the debate session with great stage presence and passion! The two teams were fabulous: Kevin and Thomas P. commended a banning of human cloning and a 5 year moratorium on therapeutic cloning and Nick and David K. opposed the motion. Both, proponents and opponents, defended their view points very articulately. The arguments of the proposition were more convincing, however – their motion passed in the TM parliament. Anyway, the prospect of having two identical versions of the same person – be it one’s husband, wife or parent – didn’t seem to be very attractive to the audience.

Thanks also to Michelle and Noah for the preparation of the room and all the material. It was much more challenging than on a regular meeting. And thanks to all of you who came, participated actively in the discussions and helped wherever help was needed. We’ll do this again soon.

Kind regards and see you on the 11th of June, Nicola

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