Exploring space colonization: a Toastmasters debate evening on March 19th

Dear fellow Zuriberg Toastmasters, 

This week, we returned to our beloved hall in Zum Königsstuhl (aka the former Blue Monkey) for a debate evening on the motion: “This house believes that we should colonize another planet.”

The debate

The proposition team, composed of Nicola and Pietro, argued passionately, inspiring us to emulate our forefathers who set foot on the moon and urged us to “think big”!

Conversely, the opposition team, consisting of Aaron and Elias, believed that our focus should be on addressing Earth’s problems, such as poverty. They criticized the proposition team for diverting attention from these pressing issues, contending, “They bring dreams; we bring facts.”

Joran, the Debate Chair, effectively maintained discipline by managing the timing allocated to each speaker, which facilitated a productive discussion. At the end, Tatyana, our General Evaluator provided critical feedback on the debate which will enable us to be even better next time!

The table topics

After a delightful meal, Samira transported us to another universe with her inspiring questions that ignited unique stories: Thomas shared his discovery of Thomas’ Planet, Micheleelucidated the differences between men and women, Vassillis demonstrated his laser gun prowess, and myself, Kevin described his transition to becoming a space slave owner. Thomasclinched the victory ribbon!

The evening concluded with us putting theory into practice by applying our newly acquired skills in a practical session, debating the ballot process. Congratulations to the opposition team for winning the debate!

What is next? 

We hope you enjoy another adventure in our Club and eagerly anticipate our next regular meetings:

  • On the 26th March, the theme of the evening will be “’Travel’ and will be orchestrated by Gabriele
  • On the 9th April, the theme will be “Artificial” and the TME is wanted! 

(The two evenings will take place in Zum Königsstuhl).

Get ready to dive into the worlds of ‘Travel’ and ‘Artificial’ at our next gatherings!

Warmest Regards, 

Kevin von Niederhäuser,

VP Membership Zuriberg TMC
Please click here for details of our next club meeting

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