Resolute Reflections: Highlights from Zuriberg Toastmasters – regular meeting June 18th

Dear Zuriberg Toastmasters,

We stay resolute and continue our steadfast journey in public speaking. With 25 members and guests attending last Tuesday, we had a fabulous evening, demonstrating perseverance in every sense.

Our TME Samira introduced our speakers promptly, presenting their goals and seamlessly weaving the theme of the day, “resolute,” into their introductions, giving the night a natural flow and energy.

Speaker Highlights

Kevin completed his path in Presentation Mastery with his speech “Reflecting on Your Path.” Over the last two years in Toastmasters, Kevin learned to never let the kid inside you leave, keep learning as a child, and never get disappointed by failure. With this mindset, he believes you can thrive in any sector, including public speaking. And guess what? He earned the Best Speaker award!

Richard reintroduced himself to the club with his Icebreaker, sharing the best journey of his life to Mongolia. With his newly discovered humorous path, his authentic facial expressions, descriptive language, and vivid metaphors delivered an enegaging and entertaining speech. We can’t wait for more of Richard’s humorous adventures!

Pietro introduced us to the leadership styles that have most impacted him, all from shared experiences and speeches at Zuriberg Toastmasters. He realized that there isn’t just “my,” “your,” or “his” leadership style, but that we should always adapt ourselves to the situation. Sounds like a recipe for success, Pietro!

The Art of Evaluations

Sabine, Joanna, and Roberta provided empathetic and insightful evaluations, educating us and our speakers on what they did well and should keep doing exceptionally. They also offered room for improvement, suggesting small efforts that could make a big impact in our persuasive power. Keeping the dynamics through the whole delivery, applying pauses (especially after jokes), and improving vocal variety were some of their tips. Roberta was granted the Best Evaluator award!

Joran and his team—Roland, Aliscia, and Suavek—provided the general evaluation of the evening, elaborating on every role and all critical aspects, including timing, ah counts, vote counting, and grammar.


A grand finale of Table Topics, led by Harry, lifted the spirits and made us work in pairs to handle crises in a resolute way. Yani and yours truly, went home with the Best Table Topics award by finding a resolute way to oppose the newly voted law to forbid TikTok! No worries, this is not going to happen!

What Is on the Horizon?

The Toastmasters year is coming to an end, but the summer is at its marvelous peak! We continue our journey together in the most creative and entertaining way with our very own Zuriberg Toastmasters Mystery Dinner on June 25th with Anna and Michelle as our hosts!

There will be fun, good food, many winners, and on top of all, our yearly raffle. Buy your tickets, and you may be the big winner of tickets to Cirque du Soleil in Zurich in October! Here is the link (also shared in WhatsApp).

Hope to see you all there!

Yours truly,

Vanessa Stournari
President, Zuriberg Toastmasters Club

Toastmasters District 109 Conference

Istanbul, May 2024

Conference Summary

On May 11th, the annual District 109 welcomed its Toastmasters members spanning over 16 countries at Bosphorus in Istanbul, where the West meets the East. What a better place to celebrate diversity and delve into leadership workshops, motivational keynotes and the Speech contests!

The conference opened with a motivational keynote by Verity Price, the first speaker from Africa and 6th woman in history to win the World Championship of Public Speaking in 2021. In her speech, Verity made us aware of our choice in life: to react to what happens or shape our own reality. “The future is owned by women and men crossing their imaginary bridges to grow out of their comfort zone”. She further observed that the nature of our question determines how we think about something; the way we speak about our dreams will determine if we make them happen. In other words, your word creates your world. Ask inspiring questions and mind your internal world. 

Narrow Combat for the District Trophy 

The key highlight of the conference was the speech contest. Some speakers admitted to having trained for months and waited for years for a District-level victory! The atmosphere of friendly competition was phenomenal, and the performances on stage were nearly indistinguishable from those of World Champions.

This year, the Zurich Toastmasters Club made it into the hall of fame, bringing back not just one but two awards. Mila Myrsep earned a well-deserved 1st place in the International Speech Contest. 

Marika Dubiel made her club, Toastmasters Innsbruck, proud by earning 1st place in the Evaluation Contest.

Our VP Mentoring and future President, Harry, as contest chair, granted the awards to the International Speech Contest District 109 Winners during the Gala 

Giada Sartori placed first in the Table Topics Contest by answering the question: “Do you like your neighbours?” Her experience as an Italian living in Switzerland made her speech flow naturally, from the heart, and shook the audience with laughter. In this specific competition, the learnings on how to perform best during table topics were numerous:

  • Do not rush into your story. You have up to 30 seconds to think through your speech before starting to talk. Use them to generate a broad idea of what you will say
  • Use pauses. Pauses are always important, but they are a magic gun for Table Topics, since they not only add intensity to your sentences, but also give you time to think through the next one!
  • Do not start describing what you see. Table Topics speakers, even experienced ones, might find themselves out of ideas. When this happens, avoid rambling about your environment. Pause, think about the next step in your story, and go on.
  • Use storytelling. An inexperienced Table Topics speaker might explain that its neighbours are loud because they play music all the time. An experienced one would bring us into the action using characters, scenes and the impact they had on them. The best way to engage an audience is to tell them a story.

With all these tips in mind, who wouldn’t want to give it a try? Zuriberg Toastmasters is eagerly awaiting its next District Contest winner, taking a break this year after numerous past successes. Could you be the next one? 

Yet, to be fair, Zuriberg did not stand on the sidelines. In fact, our club supported contestants by volunteering for various roles and literally setting the stage for their success. Our member Harry Loots served as the Contest Chair, letting his poise and natural speaking talent shine every moment he was on stage. Karina Castella served as the Chief Judge in a complex hybrid setup. Additionally, Christina Yap held a workshop where she illuminated the impact of generative AI on society and revealed strategies to become bot-proof.

Having fun and celebrating nice moments was also part of the conference, in a beautifully organised Gala

Workshops: The Diversity of a Caleidoscope 

Workshops covered a broad ground of topics related to communication and leadership. In his Cosmopolitan Communication talk, Ramin Kaweh pointed out that public speaking cannot be mono-dimensional as we live in a globalised world and encounter many cultures during our lifetime. The three key elements to navigating cosmopolitan communication are Recognition: of the self, Respect: appreciation of cultural differences, and Reconciliation: when there are differences. 

Jessica Breitenfeld, from Barcelona Toastmasters, taught the art of saying no assertively. Stronger barriers do not mean being stricter; instead, one can elegantly say no or seek a win-win situation.

District 109 Director Margherita Brodbeck Roth together with artist Hilarie Burke from St Gallen Toastmasters unveiled the world of method acting, a technique where an actor seeks to emotionally identify with a part. Participants ended up eating an imaginary banana or enacting an interaction between a dog and a monkey. The important question was “How did it feel?”, in other words, ‘Did you truly taste the banana?’ The goal of method acting is to deeply connect with the character and its emotions. Only by fully embodying the character can acting appear truly authentic. This applies to a certain extent for public speaking, too. 

There were many more fascinating topics that could make for an entire book, but we prefer if you join us next year and experience the conference with us!

Ramin Kaweh presenting various aspects of the Cosmopolitan Communication Talk 

The Grand Gift Finale 

On Sunday, Verity woke up the weary participants with another fascinating, thought-provoking keynote. How could she not, when she follows the GIFT approach! For Verity, speech is a gift she gives to the audience. She Gets clear on the message, Intentionally crafts her story (this is the purpose), Fills in the gaps so any type of audience understands it (irrespective of culture, profession, etc.), and Ties it all together (no new ideas at the end!). As with any other gift, the speech must be beautifully packaged: with an interesting title as luxurious wrapping paper, and well thought out, with the recipient in mind. Once you have your message, don’t wait until the end to reveal it. Make your message permeate throughout the story in different ways. By the time you say your closing words, it gets accepted by the audience. Voila!

This conference was full of learnings, pleasant encounters, and nourishing talks, wrapped in the oriental ambiance of the mystical city of Istanbul. Next year’s District conference will take us to a different scenery, to the middle of the Mediterranean.

 Hope to see you all in Malta!

Our Club showed a strong presence at the District Conference – with our banner decorated with the most ribbons, speaking of our accomplishments 
Our District 109 in full power, celebrating the closing of a successful conference and rejoicing at the prospect of meeting next year in Malta!
The iconic Blue Mosque in Istanbul, cultural landmark making Istanbul a great place for engaging into personal growth 

Many kudos of our committee and members contributing to this Blog and especially to our President Vanessa and VPE Alice for beautifully bringing it all together! 

Carpe Diem – regular meeting May 21st 2024

Dear Zuriberg Toastmasters,

Little did Horace know, when he coined “Carpe Diem,” that his words would inspire millions, including our vibrant meeting last Tuesday evening.

The theme “Carpe Diem,” or seize the day, set the stage for an empowering evening. Guided by our charming Toastmaster of the Evening (TME), Harry, we dove into a world of inspirational speeches, with “mindfulness” as the word of the day introduced by our Grammarian, Samira. Kevin’sthought-provoking table topics further challenged us to envision how we would seize opportunities in various scenarios.

Speakers’ Highlights

Gabriel ignited our spirits with his leadership journey. He shared how he adapted various leadership styles in his first managerial role. His speech was organized and impactful, crowned by a motivational quote from J. Maxwell, “Leadership is about a life influencing another,” earning him the Best Speaker award.

Ana-Maria masterfully explained how AI works through storytelling, comparing AI training to how pigeons are trained to identify images of brain cancer. She demystified AI, presenting it as a fascinating narrative with a clear take-away message: AI is a powerful tool, not a threat.

Alessandro delivered a powerful speech titled “Beyond Resilience: The Lessons of Stoicism.” He educated us with philosophical insights, providing practical lessons on leadership and resilience. His structured approach and compelling content fulfilled his project’s aim to write a speech with purpose.

Yesenia shared her leadership style, emphasizing self-discovery and embracing one’s true self. She introduced us to “Biodanza,” balancing her experience with motivational insights. Understanding your leadership style, she explained, is about mastering your emotions.

Vadim shared a heartfelt toast for his project on Evaluation and Feedback. He recounted his transformative journey within our club, from a guest observer to an actively engaged member. His story of overcoming anxiety with the help of a warm welcome and bold advice was truly inspiring. A small gesture might have such an influence on one’s personal journey. 

The Art of Evaluations

Evaluations are the cornerstone of our growth. Our dedicated evaluators—Fereshte, Richard, Thomas, Anna, and Roland—listened actively and provided insightful, constructive feedback. They celebrated our strengths and highlighted areas for improvement with empathy and motivation. Roland’s exceptional feedback earned him the Best Evaluator award. Key takeaways included the power of pauses in complex topics and using simpler language for clarity, and easier pronunciation.

Table Topics

Kevin’s table topics perfectly embodied the spirit of “Carpe Diem.” Questions like “What if you had all the money in the world?” and “Do you have a bucket list?” inspired members to share their dreams and stories. Many stepped up courageously, with yours truly, Vanessa winning the Best Table Topic award for a humorous tale of a bucket list wish gone wrong.


The evening concluded with our General Evaluator Joanna and her team—Samira, Zsolt, and Anton—offering valuable feedback. Their insights and our excellent time management, well-organized room and evaluations highlighting the speakers’ goals ensured a productive and inspiring session.

What’s Next?

As we move forward, let us harness the energy of “Carpe Diem” to elevate our Toastmasters journey. Step up, take on new roles, and deliver inspiring speeches. Each moment is an opportunity to grow, learn, and empower one another.

  • May 28th: Regular Meeting – “Paradox” led by TME Seline.
  • June 11th: Regular Meeting – “Luxury” led by TME Elias.
  • June 18th: Regular Meeting – “Resolute” (TME needed).
  • June 25th: Summer Party hosted by Michelle—RSVP essential for planning.

Embrace the spirit of “Carpe Diem” in every meeting.Take on roles, request speeches, and never let a moment pass without practicing and improving. 

Warmest regards,

Vanessa Stournari

Dreams Unleashed: A Toastmasters Tale of Inspiration and Achievement

Dear Zuriberg Toastmasters!

Another Tuesday, another whirlwind of wit, wisdom, and wonder at our beloved Zuriberg Toastmasters’ gathering!

Kevin welcoming Guests in our alternate venue, the L200

Our TME extraordinaire, Richard, set the stage on fire with a theme that spoke to the soul: dreams. As Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” and boy, did we believe! Each member shared their unique take on the power of dreams, setting the tone for an evening of boundless potential and unwavering determination.

Speakers’ Highlights

Selin mesmerized us with her exploration of artificial intelligence and the ever-pressing question of whether humanity stands on the precipice of being overtaken by the “march of the machines.” With eloquence that soared to dizzying heights and a title that piqued our curiosity, Selin’s speech was a testament to the power of conviction and innovation.

We had Kevin regaling us with tales from the trenches of entrepreneurship in his keynote speech. Navigating the twists and turns of his maiden business voyage, Kevin showed us that chasing our dreams often leads us down unexpected paths and broadens our horizon. His engaging and well-crafted speech, earned him the well-deserved title of Best Speaker.

Of course, no Toastmasters gathering is complete without some Icebreakers to break the ice!

Harry kicked things off with the persuasive prowess of a seasoned orator. Drawing parallels between his life and the legendary Forrest Gump, Harry took us on a journey through his trials, triumphs, and public speaking aspirations. The audience was spellbound, and Harry walked away with a well-deserved tie for the Best Speaker award.

Anton stepped up to introduce himself to the club in his own authentic style. With a conversational tone that felt like catching up with an old friend and a clear structure that left us hanging on his every word, Anton left us eager for more of his storytelling prowess.

The art of evaluation

Suavek, Joanna, yours truly, and Aaron lent their keen insights to the mix, offering guidance and encouragement to our speakers on their journey of growth. From personal development tips to project-specific tweaks, their feedback was like a guiding light in the darkness, illuminating the path to excellence. Yours truly, was honored with the best Evaluator Award

A big round of applause to our General Evaluator Samira and her dedicated team Zsolt, Roberta & Pietro for their unwavering support. They kept us on track, nudging us ever closer to our goals with their wisdom and encouragement.

What is to come?

Let us keep dreaming, keep speaking, and keep believing. The world is ours for the taking, one speech at a time!

May 14th  – General Assembly & Elections – attendance required to reach quorum

May 21st – Regular Meeting with theme Carpe Diem – TME wanted

May 28th  Regular Meeting with theme Paradox with Selin as TME

Yours truly,

Vanessa Stournari 

President Zuriberg Toastmasters Club
Please click here for details of our next club meeting

Vanessa Stournari

Crafting Comedy: Techniques and Laughter – Workshop April 23rd

Dear Zuriberg Toastmasters,

Last Tuesday evening, we delved into the cosmos of humor and comedy – exploring what makes us laugh, how our brains react to various humorous elements, and how to infuse these traits into our speeches. Humor can also be engineered!

Members and guests embarked on an engaging journey led by a Switzerland’s beloved stand-up comedian, Mike Casa. The evening began with an insightful presentation by Mike, who shared valuable techniques and strategies for constructing punch lines that resonate with an audience. From clever wordplay to unexpected twists, participants learned the essential elements of humor that keep listeners engaged and entertained.

Theory and …

Following the theory presentation, the session transitioned into an interactive Q&A segment, where attendees had the opportunity to delve deeper into the nuances of comedic timing, delivery, and storytelling. The comedian’s expertise and wit sparked lively discussions, allowing everyone to gain valuable insights into the art of comedy.

… lots of practice

The highlight of the evening undoubtedly was the hands-on workshop, where participants put their newfound knowledge to the test by crafting jokes inspired by the Zurich Street Parade. With creativity flowing and laughter abound, everyone eagerly shared their comedic creations, showcasing their unique humor and wit.

Throughout the workshop, the supportive and encouraging atmosphere of Toastmasters provided the perfect platform for members and guests to hone their comedic skills, step out of their comfort zones, and embrace the joy of laughter. Whether seasoned speakers or aspiring comedians, everyone left the event inspired and empowered to infuse humor into their speeches and presentations.

The winners

Our member Zsolt and our guest Dominik, won the prizes and best enthusiasts award for their exceptional mastery of humor, showcasing their talent by applying the learned techniques with finesse. Their ability to construct scenes, utilize triage schemes, and seamlessly blend unmatched themes left the audience in stitches and earned them the well-deserved recognition.

Zsolt (in the middle) proudly presenting his well-earned ribbon.

A huge thank you to Mike for giving us the workshop and sponsoring the prizes and to Hugo for the recording!

Mike (left) and Hugo (right) gets a well deserved recognition for their contributions this evening by the Club’s President, Vanessa.

As the evening drew to a close, amidst smiles and laughter, participants departed with a newfound appreciation for the power of humor to connect, engage, and uplift audiences—a testament to the transformative and enriching experiences offered by Toastmasters.

What is in the horizon?

Join us to our next meetings

April 30th Regular Meeting with the theme “Dream” and Richard as our TME (in L200)

May 14th – General Assembly & Elections – attendance required to reach quorum 

Warmest Regards, 

Vanessa Stourari 

President Zuriberg Toastmasters

Exploring the Artificial: A Toastmasters Journey

Dear Zuriberg Toastmasters,

Last Tuesday night, we delved into the theme of “artificial,” exploring its multifaceted meaning in the context of 2024. After the President’s opening remarks, the gavel smoothly transitioned to our Toastmaster of the evening, Roland, who guided us through insightful speeches that challenged our perceptions.

Speaker Highlights & Evaluations

Fereshte shared a deeply personal journey in “The Day I Was Born,” inspiring us with her resilience in navigating life’s challenges. Kevin’s evaluation highlighted her eloquent language and encouraged her to infuse her delivery with local variety, igniting a spark of motivation in us all.

Marco motivated us to navigate the era of knowledge accessibility, offering strategies to sift through information plethora to be a knowledge advocate. His persuasive speech left a lasting impact. Selin’s evaluation praised Marco’s structured argumentation, guiding us through a journey of intellectual exploration.

Slavek’s icebreaker “Reality” seamlessly wove together personal anecdotes and a love for media, warmly embraced by our club. Alessandro’s evaluation highlighted the powerful impact of Slavek’s parallel storytelling approach, drawing us into his world with authenticity.

Thomas S, visiting us from the Rhetorik Club Zurich, engaged story-telling prowess in his speech “Courage,” inspiring us to embrace growth beyond our comfort zones. Gabriel emphasized the role of anecdotes in effective storytelling, enriching our understanding of Thomas’s message.

Gabriele demonstrated in his speech, “A Toastmaster’s Journey to Tranquility”, illuminated how yoga can enhance public speaking, sprinkled with delightful humor. Tatyana’s award-winning evaluation celebrated Gabriele’s masterful use of humor and engagement techniques, reminding us that with dedication, we can hone our craft.

Table Topics

Under Aaron’s adept guidance, our table topics session danced with creativity, seamlessly weaving the theme into spontaneous discourse. Thomas M.’s quick wit and charm earned him well-deserved recognition as the Best Table Topic Speaker.

Concluding Thoughts

This session showcased our community’s ability to embrace complex themes, encouraging exploration and personal reflection on the artificial aspects of our lives. Let us continue to explore, learn and grow together!

What is in the Horizon?

Join us for these exciting upcoming events!

April 23rd: Humorous Workshop with Mike Casa

April 30th: Regular Meeting – Dream with Richard as Toastmaster of the Evening in L200

May 15th: General Assembly – Elections (quorum required) 

Stay tuned for more updates from the Toastmasters world, including the May 3rd Joint Meeting Area E4 – details to follow & District 109 Conference in Istanbul May 10th – 12th 

Warmest Regards,

Vanessa Stournari

President Toastmasters Zuriberg Club Vanessa Stournari

Exploring space colonization: a Toastmasters debate evening on March 19th

Dear fellow Zuriberg Toastmasters, 

This week, we returned to our beloved hall in Zum Königsstuhl (aka the former Blue Monkey) for a debate evening on the motion: “This house believes that we should colonize another planet.”

The debate

The proposition team, composed of Nicola and Pietro, argued passionately, inspiring us to emulate our forefathers who set foot on the moon and urged us to “think big”!

Conversely, the opposition team, consisting of Aaron and Elias, believed that our focus should be on addressing Earth’s problems, such as poverty. They criticized the proposition team for diverting attention from these pressing issues, contending, “They bring dreams; we bring facts.”

Joran, the Debate Chair, effectively maintained discipline by managing the timing allocated to each speaker, which facilitated a productive discussion. At the end, Tatyana, our General Evaluator provided critical feedback on the debate which will enable us to be even better next time!

The table topics

After a delightful meal, Samira transported us to another universe with her inspiring questions that ignited unique stories: Thomas shared his discovery of Thomas’ Planet, Micheleelucidated the differences between men and women, Vassillis demonstrated his laser gun prowess, and myself, Kevin described his transition to becoming a space slave owner. Thomasclinched the victory ribbon!

The evening concluded with us putting theory into practice by applying our newly acquired skills in a practical session, debating the ballot process. Congratulations to the opposition team for winning the debate!

What is next? 

We hope you enjoy another adventure in our Club and eagerly anticipate our next regular meetings:

  • On the 26th March, the theme of the evening will be “’Travel’ and will be orchestrated by Gabriele
  • On the 9th April, the theme will be “Artificial” and the TME is wanted! 

(The two evenings will take place in Zum Königsstuhl).

Get ready to dive into the worlds of ‘Travel’ and ‘Artificial’ at our next gatherings!

Warmest Regards, 

Kevin von Niederhäuser,

VP Membership Zuriberg TMC
Please click here for details of our next club meeting

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭-𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫, 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 🌞🌞, 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 🥇🥇 – Area Contest report by Christina Yap

Thanks to Christina Yap for allowing us to re-post her report from her double awards at the E4 Area Contest.

I am deeply honoured and thrilled to have received two No. 1 awards at Toastmasters. In this post, I share the recipe for success. 

For those of you out there who are up for your next challenge, may it inspire you to embrace challenges with a #growthmindset. Everyone else has a role to play too! Read on..

🚀 𝐄𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐞𝐭 🚀
“𝘛𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘸.”

Nine months into my Toastmasters journey, I was selected to represent my local Toastmasters club at the annual area speech contest. Last Friday, as I stood next to seasoned competitors, I could have succumbed to nerves.

However, I chose to embrace the opportunity. My passion for continuous learning, #personaldevelopment and the thrill of embracing new challenges kept me focused on the mission. As we navigate the AI revolution, I believe that cultivating a growth mindset and readiness to approach challenges with collectedness becomes more essential than ever before. This contest was a great opportunity for me to walk the talk.. 😉

All I had to do was be myself, try my best, apply all my transferable skills, knowledge, experience. And see what happens with a healthy dose of spontaneous #creativity

The result?
🌞 𝑯𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒅: I received “𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆” awards in the
 🥇 ‘𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘦𝘤𝘩 𝘦𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘶𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯’ and
  🥇 ‘𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘴’ 
categories. I am truly humbled by the next opportunity to compete at the Divisional level…

𝐌𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬?

🎙️ 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑨𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒔: The spellbinding techniques and motivational speeches delivered by my esteemed competitors truly inspired me. I learned much from observing everyone in action and by what they shared. 

🌟 𝑬𝒏𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒅 𝑬𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆: Everyone played a role in supporting the event in a hybrid context. A heartfelt thank you to our host, UBS, for providing the venue and every individual who collaborated to make it a success.

🙏🙏 𝑫𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆: A big thank you to all the judges, my distinguished Zuriberg Toastmasters Club, committee and members for their much valued feedback, support and vote of confidence. Immense gratitude to my mentor, Roland Straub, for believing in me, Dr. Vanessa Stournari for her support, Alice Nuslova, PMP® for her guidance and to Ben Nordemann for introducing me to this fun path!

𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲? 
There’s a first time for everything! We just need passion, readiness to embrace new challenges and a supportive network!

𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐨𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥: where everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow and hone their #leadership skills.
Where Leaders Are Made✨

Embracing Strategies and Stories – Meeting February 20th

Dear fellow Zuriberg Toastmasters,

It’s hard to believe that our 21st meeting of the Toastmasters year has already concluded, and what an inspiring evening it was!

Svetlana led the way as our Toastmaster, guiding the session with finesse! She seamlessly introduced our speakers, each one offering their unique take on the theme of “strategy.” A special thanks to Denisse, our General Evaluator, and to her team Michelle, Vassilis amd Mathieu for ensuring a constructive yet empowering evaluation throughout the meeting. 

Speakers’s highlights 

Monica delivered a thought-provoking speech titled “How should I survive in a world full of ideals?” within Project Leadership Development #3-8. She skillfully delved into the question of whether we set unrealistic ethical standards, presenting a philosophical topic with a deeply conversational and engaging tone.

Zsolt tackled the theme of “Environmentalism” in his Presentation Mastery #1-3 speech, introducing vocal variety and powerful gestures. His content and delivery earned him the well-deserved title of Best Speaker for the evening.

Joran took us on a humorous journey with “I should have told Laurence”, in his Project Presentation Mastery #1-4 speech, shedding light on some unfortunate leadership examples he encountered in his career.

A warm welcome goes to Innocent, who embarked on his Toastmasters journey with the “Icebreaker” speech for Project Presentation Mastery #1-1. He effectively introduced himself to the club, showcasing he is guilty of an authentic speaking style and a charmingly humorous personality. He set a positive tone for his future speeches. A warm welcome to the club, Innocent!

The art of evaluations

Our evaluators—Yani, Elias, Christina, and Kevin—provided insightful feedback, strategically analyzing the speeches with empathy and encouragement. Kevin was recognized with the Best Evaluation award for his outstanding contribution.

Table Topics 

Our impromptu speech session was orchestrated by Richard, who took us on an engaging journey of alien invasion scenarios, showcasing creativity at its best. Tatyana won the Best Table Topics Speaker award, convincingly assuring us that an alien invasion is nothing compared to the challenges we, the earthlings, create for ourselves.

Closing Thoughts 

A heartfelt thank you to all who contributed to the wonderful atmosphere and the success of the evening, showcasing our commitment to personal development and effective communication within the strategic framework of Toastmasters.

What is on the horizon?

Looking ahead, let’s continue our journey to public speaking excellence in the upcoming meetings. As we experiment with different locations until we return to the familiar Blue Monkey, seize the opportunity to try different stages, starting with a theatrical stage

February 27th – Regular meeting with Theme New Beginning and Michelle as the TME (Gross Saal in Karl der Grosse)

March 12th – Regular Meeting with a shocking Theme and Joanna as the TME (L200)

Special Events: 

Area E4 ContestFriday, February 23rd 17:30 to 22:00 in Europaallee (or join online) come to support our club winners, Thomas, Christina, Elias and myself, Vanessa at the international, evaluation and table topics speech contests. Engaging speeches and mingle with the other Toastmasters clubs of our area (Walk the Talk, Credit Suisse Corporate Club and St. Gallen TMC). Hier is the registration Link 

Area E4 German Speech contest: Saturday, February 24th online 

How are speeches of our area doing in German? Join to explore and maybe support 😊

An entertaining Night at Zurich’s Guild of the Carpenters – meeting January 16th

Dear Zuriberg Toastmasters,

What a truly enchanting start we had to the new year at our last Tuesday’s gathering, set against the historical backdrop of the medieval Guild of the Carpenters in Zurich!

Stepping into the medieval guild hall was like taking a journey back in time. The rich history of the Guild of the Carpenters provided a unique setting for our meeting. Sabina, our Toastmaster of the evening, skillfully guided us through an entertaining journey, seamlessly navigating the challenges posed by the new venue with her excellent preparation.

Speakers΄ Highlights

Keynote in Evaluations: Roland, in his eloquent keynote, likened evaluation to the essential fertilizer of our growth. He outlined nine guiding principles, with the first and foremost being to listen carefully and observe the speaker’s objectives.

Yani elucidated some Artificial Intelligence (AI) aspects with the creative story- telling elements, while bringing Alan Turin to life throughout her speech.

Path ReflectionHarry shared an inspiring reflection on his extensive public speaking journey, starting at the tender age of seven. His key advice? To become a better speaker or conversationalist, one must begin by learning to listen. His remarkable achievements earned him the best speaker award.

Zsolt seamlessly integrated his speech with the theme of the day, providing valuable insights on hacking ourselves to turn learning into an entertaining journey.

Icebreaker: Congratulations to Marco for his icebreaker! With vivid descriptions and body language, he took us on a captivating journey to Italy. What added to the speech’s quality? His authentic sharing of his public speaking objectives.

The Art of Evaluations

Evaluations, being a form of speech themselves, demand engaging openings, structured content, and effective time management. All evaluators applied some of the nine principles shared in the keynote, granting them the skill of effective listening! Christina, with her constructive examples, was rightfully awarded the best evaluator.

What Awaits on the Horizon

– 23rd of January: Club Speech Contest with Alice and Kevin as Contest Chairs.

– 30th of January:Cultural Enrichment with Burn’s Night hosted by Harry. Spoiler alert: Expect Scottish ambiance, poetry, whiskey, and the opening dedicated to our general assembly.

Here’s to more captivating evenings at the Guild of the Carpenters, where each gathering becomes a page in our own historical narrative.

Warmest wishes,

Vanessa Stournari, 

President Zuriberg TMC