It is when you give of yourself, that you truly give – Installation of new committee, July 9th

Dear all

This is the first newsletter you’ll be receiving from me as President of Zuriberg Toastmasters Club. I am immensely proud to have been selected to lead this club this year. And will give my utmost to continue in the tradition of making this club a top club in District 109. In fact, it is my aim to make it the top club among top clubs. 

One of the first tasks we’ve set ourselves as a committee is to have all seven officers trained during the Club Officer Training window. So far, we have four of our officers trained. This already puts us way ahead of other clubs. 

In my first address as president, I spoke about “People who give of their time to serve their community”. In this case, our committee. First, they serve the immediate community. Us. The Club. And then by maintaining the club in a healthy, successful manner, striving for excellence, they are able to serve the wider community. The people who make their home in Zurich and surrounds. The team epitomising the words of Dr. Ralph C. Smedley’s, when he said: “We work together to bring out the best in each of us, and then we apply our skills to help others.

Each of our 2024/25 officers introduced themselves and their aims for this year in a short speech. First up was our Immediate Past President, Vanessa, who mentioned that among her aims is to start an initiative to create an opportunity for advanced speeches for advanced speakers. Next up, Vice-President Education, Anna, who is available to help you reach your goals. VP Membership, Samira, will continue the fine tradition we have of welcoming guests and converting them into members. VP Public Relations, Richard, addressed us via video from Las Vegas. Promising to continue in the fine manner he has looked after our external communications. New to the committee, Elias takes on the task of Secretary – a key link in our organisation. Another stalwart, our Treasurer, Thomas, promised to keep looking after our money diligently and ensure that subs are submitted on time to TMI HQ. VP Mentoring, and Past President, Roland set out his vision for ensuring that every member who wants a mentor wi ll be assigned one. And how, through mentoring you become acquainted with your club’s culture. Finally, it was the turn of our two Sergeant-at-Arms, Vadim (in person) and Yesenia (via video) to share their aims for the year. Both new to the committee, they’re already showing why it is important to bring new blood on board, with their suggestion that we trial an electronic voting system for Best Speaker, Evaluator, Table Topic. Each of our committee members were also presented with an officer pin, which they can wear proudly at work, Toastmasters, or wherever they want to show off their commitment!

Alice led a very interesting Table Topic session, tasking the speakers to present as politicians – most of whom had done something dodgy and having to explain their way out of this ‘scandal’. Pietro won the Best Table Topic award. Perhaps there’s a latent politician lurking within… being able to turn dodgy dealings into a speech of success.

Having changed our process so that the timer announces times before prepared speeches, evaluations, and table topics, we had slight confusion. With General Evaluator pointing out that the instructions for the role had not been updated at the time he was preparing for the role. 

Our next meeting, on 16 July, is themed “Urban” with Anna in the Toastmaster of the Evening role. We look forward to sharing this evening, the penultimate before the summer-break with you. 

“You give but a little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself [your time] that you truly give.”

        – Kahlil Gibran

Till next time


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