Into the Wilderness – regular meeting July 16th

Well. Perhaps not quite so much into the wilderness, as members stayed on familiar ground and delivered five inspiring and informative speeches.

The theme did, however, provide the Toastmaster of the Evening, Anna, with some great introductions of the speakers. 

First up was Vanessa, who shared her first experience hiking with Michelle and Anna, and what she had learnt. Svetlana and Rafael both presented Level 2 projects – Understanding your communicational style, and both provided us with insight into communication patterns and styles. Svetlana explaining on Passive, Passive/Aggressive, Assertive and other styles. Rafael mimicked the style of a typical pilot. Making the point that the style is deliberate to instil a sense of confidence in passengers. Calm, Self-assured. Nothing can go wrong while I’m in control… Joram and Harry both completed Level 1 of their current pathways projects. Joram asked if the price is right? And, Harry’s takeaway message was, ‘Engage. Before you judge.’ which earned him the Best Speaker award.

All our evaluators provided valuable feedback to the speakers, with Michelle receiving the Best Evaluator award. 

Thomas presented us with a series of topics based on the Wilderness theme. Michelle took this award as well. On top form, our Michelle!

Alicja was our timer of the evening. She explained clearly what the timing requirements were for each section of the programme (Prepared Speeches, Evaluations, and Table Topics), and provided the speakers with feedback on how long they had spoken for. 

Vassilis chose the word vacillate as our word of the day. His feedback, on the use of our language, showed there’s always opportunity for improvement. Ah-counter Anton kept tabs on our use of filler words. And Fereshteh, as General Evaluator, gave us great feedback – especially as regards the introduction of speakers. We welcome speakers on stage, accompanied by applause. Then announce their name, title, title, name with no further applause at this point.

Our programme featured two major changes: Our Sergeant-at-Arms now calls the meeting to order, shares a few house-rules (like mobiles off or quiet), points out the toilets to guests (and forgetful members), then introduces the President. 

The other change is that the timer works with the TME. Announcing times immediately before the prepared speeches, evaluations, and table topics. This way, the timing is clear in the speakers’ minds. The timer also provides the actual time for the speaker at the end of the session.

Our next meeting will the last before our summer break. We still have a few roles open for the evening. Please go and sign up. And, if you can’t make it, please mark yourself as not attending. I look forward to seeing you there!
Please click here for details of our next club meeting

Harry Loots

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