Resolute Reflections: Highlights from Zuriberg Toastmasters – regular meeting June 18th

Dear Zuriberg Toastmasters,

We stay resolute and continue our steadfast journey in public speaking. With 25 members and guests attending last Tuesday, we had a fabulous evening, demonstrating perseverance in every sense.

Our TME Samira introduced our speakers promptly, presenting their goals and seamlessly weaving the theme of the day, “resolute,” into their introductions, giving the night a natural flow and energy.

Speaker Highlights

Kevin completed his path in Presentation Mastery with his speech “Reflecting on Your Path.” Over the last two years in Toastmasters, Kevin learned to never let the kid inside you leave, keep learning as a child, and never get disappointed by failure. With this mindset, he believes you can thrive in any sector, including public speaking. And guess what? He earned the Best Speaker award!

Richard reintroduced himself to the club with his Icebreaker, sharing the best journey of his life to Mongolia. With his newly discovered humorous path, his authentic facial expressions, descriptive language, and vivid metaphors delivered an enegaging and entertaining speech. We can’t wait for more of Richard’s humorous adventures!

Pietro introduced us to the leadership styles that have most impacted him, all from shared experiences and speeches at Zuriberg Toastmasters. He realized that there isn’t just “my,” “your,” or “his” leadership style, but that we should always adapt ourselves to the situation. Sounds like a recipe for success, Pietro!

The Art of Evaluations

Sabine, Joanna, and Roberta provided empathetic and insightful evaluations, educating us and our speakers on what they did well and should keep doing exceptionally. They also offered room for improvement, suggesting small efforts that could make a big impact in our persuasive power. Keeping the dynamics through the whole delivery, applying pauses (especially after jokes), and improving vocal variety were some of their tips. Roberta was granted the Best Evaluator award!

Joran and his team—Roland, Aliscia, and Suavek—provided the general evaluation of the evening, elaborating on every role and all critical aspects, including timing, ah counts, vote counting, and grammar.


A grand finale of Table Topics, led by Harry, lifted the spirits and made us work in pairs to handle crises in a resolute way. Yani and yours truly, went home with the Best Table Topics award by finding a resolute way to oppose the newly voted law to forbid TikTok! No worries, this is not going to happen!

What Is on the Horizon?

The Toastmasters year is coming to an end, but the summer is at its marvelous peak! We continue our journey together in the most creative and entertaining way with our very own Zuriberg Toastmasters Mystery Dinner on June 25th with Anna and Michelle as our hosts!

There will be fun, good food, many winners, and on top of all, our yearly raffle. Buy your tickets, and you may be the big winner of tickets to Cirque du Soleil in Zurich in October! Here is the link (also shared in WhatsApp).

Hope to see you all there!

Yours truly,

Vanessa Stournari
President, Zuriberg Toastmasters Club

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