Dear fellow Toastmasters

In the days leading up to last night’s meeting of Toastmasters Club Zuriberg rumor had it that the evening was going to provide another rich, colorful and riveting experience in the welcoming and accommodating Guild Hall of the ‘Blue Monkey’, aka ‘Zunfthaus zur Schneideren’ in the old town of Zürich. Well, as it turned out rumors – for once – were spot on! As Toastmaster of the evening Monica Vlad presided over a well run and indeed enjoyable evening. The four prepared speeches provided knowledge and insight about a wide range of themes spanning from coming of age impressions by Kevin von Niederhäusern, to advice how to not give advice by Richard Bruckner, to an enlightening research presentation on the formation of individual believe systems by Karina Castella to an introspective on procrastination by Anna Franzen.
After the dinner break speech evaluations assisted the audience to recognize and value the finer technical and rhetorical tools and methods applied by the speakers. In no way less inspiring were the table topic presentations, skillfully hosted by Marc Cannell and won by Costas Bakopoulos, who introduced the audience to the newest climate change phenomena: Ice-bears in the Amazon gorging on huge python snakes!
The well formulated and sympathetically presented reflections on the evening by the GE Vanessa Stournari and her team; Roxy Yilmaz – timer, Sara Cordairo Duarte – ah counter and Gabriel Espadas – Grammarian helped the numerous guests and the present members to gauge the evening as a whole and the individual support functions form different perspectives. In all a great evening living up to its rumored promises – a fact also confirmed by the positive and amicable feedback from our guests.
Coming Tuesday, October 11th the Executive Committee will meet – thus there will be no Club meeting. The following Tuesday, October 18th, 19:00h club members and guests will be treated to a Workshop by Roberto Halfeld (Toastmasters Club St. Gallen) on how to write an effective speech.
So long, be well and see you all in two weeks
Please click here for details of our next club meeting
Roland Straub