Upcoming meeting on 10th of November

We are very excited to invite you to the upcoming meeting of Zuriberg Toastmasters club on 10th of November.

This is the evening not to miss!

We expect a perfect blend of 3 speeches from beginning, middle and finale of the Competent Communicator (CC) speech track. This is a rare opportunity to observe how level of speaking techniques grows during the Toastmasters journey.

One of our most skilled members, Kevin, will give his final (tenth) speech from the CC track. Many of current club members were inspired to join the club by his growth as a speaker. He will give an inspirational speech on the topic that he personally is very interested about. Some of our club members may even change their travel schedules to watch this speech alone!

But it gets even better! As a general evaluator of the evening we are excited to expect our club founder, Lesley, who is a professional speaker and trainer, winner of several European speaking competitions, and one of the most skilled speakers in Switzerland. We will not only hear, but experience her powerful speaking style and will get her advice on giving feedback and the evening in general.

On top of this we have a team of experienced members to facilitate the evening and to make it dynamic and fun. Joining us is a wonderful way to get to know new interested people with international experience.

We are a dinner club and there will be Asian fusion food offered around 8PM, so come hungry! This offers our guests and members the complete evening experience with both fun agenda and a nice dinner in a company of like-minded people.

This meeting will take place in Blue Monkey restaurant on the 3rd floor on
Tue, November 10, 6:45pm – 9:45pm
Address: Blue Monkey, Stüssihofstatt 3, 8001 Zurich

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