Dear Zuriberg Toastmasters

The adjective ‘poignant’, the theme of the our meeting coming Tuesday November 15th 2022, has several distinct meanings according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary: It can be used to describe something painfully affecting feelings, i.e. piercing (e.g. ‘my boss made a poignant statement about the quality of my work’) or something touching (e.g. she gave a poignant eulogy) or to make an impression, i.e. cutting (e.g. this standup comedian delivers poignant satire). It is also used to describe something as pleasurably stimulating (e.g. ‘the meetings of my local Toastmaster Club are poignant entertainment’) or to describe something as apt (‘the minister’s speech about the current state of the economy was informative and poignant’).
In short when we use the adjective ‘poignant’ we normally refer to some actual action, event or occurrence influencing our emotions in various ways. This brings me directly to two upcoming events at Zuriberg Toastmasters: The Award Dinner on November 29th (Tuesday in a fortnight) and the Club Contest held on January 24th 2023. With respect to the Award Dinner I specifically call out to past members who still receive this news letter to come and join the Zuriberg Community for that evening. We’ll witness two presenting speeches, evaluations of this speeches and table topics. Matching the occasion dinner is a tad more festive and there is an opportunity to socialize with current and hopefully many past members as dinner time is prolonged The now yearly held ‘Zuriberg Award Dinner’ is a simple enough affaire without glamour and a red carpet. Also we do not use the occasion to roast certain people – but to recognize a small number of commit tee selected members for their extraordinary past and current contribution to make this club a better place to experiment, to gain experience and to learn – helping to make every single member a small grain wiser with each meeting.
Regarding the Club Contest held on January 24th 2023 there will be more information coming forth coming Tuesday November 15th. But I use this occasion to encourage all members to participate and to inform either the VP of Education Vanessa Stournari or the Contest Chair Harry Loots before December 31st 2022 of your intention to compete! Please note: The only speech contest with an education requirement is the International Speech Contest. To participate in any level of the International Speech Contest, a member must have completed Levels 1 and 2 of any path in the Toastmasters Pathways learning experience. Only members who joined Toastmasters prior to the rollout of Pathways in their region can apply speeches from the Competent Communication manual to speech contest eligibility. For members who qualify, at least six speeches in the Competent Communication manual must have been completed.
Best wishes and see you in great numbers coming Tuesday and at other poignant Zuriberg Toastmaster Club events in the near future
Please click here for details of our next club meeting
Roland Straub