Zuriberg Casino Night – Christmas party December 19th

Dear Zuriberg Toastmasters,

What a fantastic way to close out the year! Our celebration was infused with the perfect blend of fun, creativity, and a festive atmosphere, creating the recipe for a truly successful party. Anna and I took great pleasure in orchestrating and hosting this memorable evening! A special shout out to Samira and Thomas who engaged as our croupiers for the night, full in style!

 Table Topics Highlights

The Table Topics segment showcased that expression in any form, be it improvisational speeches, storytelling, body language, or even drawing, has a magical effect on engaging the audience. When these elements are harmoniously blended, the engagement scale reaches its peak, leaving the audience captivated.      

Beyond the entertainment, we uncovered hidden talents among our members! Gabriele and Hugo claimed the spotlight, walking away with cinema tickets to the picturesque art kinos of Zurich as the prize! Joran struck Bingo, leading to a short impromptu award acceptance speech, much to the delight of the audience. Meanwhile, Michelle earned the grand casino night award, revealing the depth of talent within our Toastmasters community.

 What is on the horizon?

Looking ahead, the horizon is promising! The new year kicks off with three diverse meetings designed to enhance our public speaking skills.

Join us: 

 – January 16th for a regular meeting,

 – January 23rd for the Club Speech Contest (last registration round—reach out to Alice!),

 – January 30th for a Cultural Enrichment Meeting hosted by Harry featuring a Burn’s Night celebration.

 Let’s embark on this journey of growth and eloquence together as we set our New Year’s resolution to elevate our public speaking prowess.

 Cheers to a year filled with compelling stories, confident speakers, and shared success!

 Warmest regards,

Vanessa Stournari

President Zuriberg TMC

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