If you want to change the world make your bed! – Meeting Jan 31st

Dear Zuriberg-Members and Friends

The meeting on Tuesday 31st of January 2023 (with the first month of the year already over) was conducted by a most experienced Toastmaster: our one and only Nicola von Lutterotti and stood under the meeting theme: Universe! Indeed  – we got presented a whole universe of worlds, with four prepared speeches and as a result of the diverse prompts for table topic speeches by the versed and well prepared table topic master of the evening Vanessa Stournari. 

Elias Miano played with our minds in his speech: ‘Artificial Story’, concluding that in the new world of ChatGPT, reality is not necessarily what it seems (was it before?). Rafael Toledano introduced himself to the club with his icebreaker ‘Genes and Jeans’, presenting the oddities and hilarious situations growing up with his brother as identical twins. Joanna Wolska reached back to personal experiences to explain why ‘Trust in the Universe is a good way to learn to trust yourself’. Finally, and as the winning speech of the evening, Sabine Stary presented a mind-blowing rendition of Admiral McRavens speech: ‘If you want to change the world, make your bed’! The evaluations of the speeches were all of high quality and for good reason Alice, one of our youngest members earned great applause and a winning ribbon for her evaluation of Joanna’s speech. Table topics were won by the becoming superstar Santiago.

Coming Tuesday, 7th of February 2023 is properly named ‘Speech Marathon’! We expect to hear 7 prepared speeches with evaluations! The theme of the evening is appropriate for that time in February when St. Valentine rules: ‘Romance’! Please come and join us for an evening filled with suspense, drama and romance promising great entertainment and plenty of opportunities to learn.
Please click here for details of our next club meeting

Roland Straub

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