Nebulous – Meeting March 14th

Dear Zuriberg Toastmasters and Friends

After a somewhat prolonged hiatus of yours truly from writing and reporting about the Zuriberg Toastmasters activities I’m glad to be back. The regular meeting held past Tuesday, March 14th stood under the meeting theme: ‘NEBULOUS’! Derived from the latin word nebula, the word nebulous used as an adjective has a primary meaning of cloudy, misty or foggy and a figurative meaning of hazy, vague or formless! But let me be clear – according to expectations and form, the evening was anything but nebulous (in either sense)! Our dearest Club Secretary, Joanna Wolska performed for the first time the role of Toastmaster of the evening (TME) and delivered a charming and admirable performance! She was supported by the General Evaluator Samira Studer and her team (Andrea Egger as Grammarian, Yesenia Cardozo as Ah- and Vote Counter and Pietro Castoldi as Timer). It was a true pleasure to see relatively new members taking on roles (some of them for the first time) and performing wit h enthusiasm and clearly expressed joy – well done!

The heart of the evening were four prepared speeches by Roxy Yilmaz, Elias Miano, Denisse Sevastian and Gabriel Espadas. Roxy eloquently elaborated on the importance of setting boundaries and Elias presented a convincing essay on the difficult concept of adaptability with respect to our changing environment. Doing so he was confronted with the additional requirement to manage a difficult audience, interrupting him in his presentation (the difficult audience was role-played with excellence by several club members who had prepared their interruptions beforehand). Denisse found convincing arguments why we are all richer than we might think and Gabriel gave a dramatic recount from his life where he experienced first hand that the fall is indeed greater from the top. All evaluations were sincere, on topic and helpful. To round up the evening, Alice did take over as Table Topic Master from Kevin, who got stuck in Berlin because of air traffic difficulties. 

As the Club-Year soon enters the last third I closed the evening with some housekeeping and invited members who are interested in joining the Committee for the new Club-Year, starting on July 1st 2023, to announce their interest with an email addressed to me as President of the Club. Elections for the Club Committee will be held on May 9th! 

Please join us next Tuesday, March 21st for a special event: Debate Evening! Two teams delivering a highly structured verbal battle over the following Proposal: “This house believes that freedom of speech has its limits”! Enjoy and learn the high art of debating – a must for all aspiring public speakers.

Best regards
Please click here for details of our next club meeting

Roland Straub

If you want to change the world make your bed! – Meeting Jan 31st

Dear Zuriberg-Members and Friends

The meeting on Tuesday 31st of January 2023 (with the first month of the year already over) was conducted by a most experienced Toastmaster: our one and only Nicola von Lutterotti and stood under the meeting theme: Universe! Indeed  – we got presented a whole universe of worlds, with four prepared speeches and as a result of the diverse prompts for table topic speeches by the versed and well prepared table topic master of the evening Vanessa Stournari. 

Elias Miano played with our minds in his speech: ‘Artificial Story’, concluding that in the new world of ChatGPT, reality is not necessarily what it seems (was it before?). Rafael Toledano introduced himself to the club with his icebreaker ‘Genes and Jeans’, presenting the oddities and hilarious situations growing up with his brother as identical twins. Joanna Wolska reached back to personal experiences to explain why ‘Trust in the Universe is a good way to learn to trust yourself’. Finally, and as the winning speech of the evening, Sabine Stary presented a mind-blowing rendition of Admiral McRavens speech: ‘If you want to change the world, make your bed’! The evaluations of the speeches were all of high quality and for good reason Alice, one of our youngest members earned great applause and a winning ribbon for her evaluation of Joanna’s speech. Table topics were won by the becoming superstar Santiago.

Coming Tuesday, 7th of February 2023 is properly named ‘Speech Marathon’! We expect to hear 7 prepared speeches with evaluations! The theme of the evening is appropriate for that time in February when St. Valentine rules: ‘Romance’! Please come and join us for an evening filled with suspense, drama and romance promising great entertainment and plenty of opportunities to learn.
Please click here for details of our next club meeting

Roland Straub

Club Contest 2023

Fellow Toastmasters,

This years club contest, the first non-virtual one for many members, was an amazing event enjoyed by a large crowd: more than 35 people attended the evening, including Division Director Karina Castella. 14 competitors had stepped  forward to challenge themselves in either the international speech, evaluation, and table topic contest.  Contest chair Harry Loots lost no time pointing out his amazement on how many  new members signed up.

Chief judge Vanessa, who next to Harry surely had the most effort in preparing this smooth-running event, explained the rules to everybody. To make sure a contest is according to toastmasters Standards is no easy feat by any means, filling all roles and briefing everybody to make sure compliance is kept.

The international speech contest featured four very experienced speakers. In Michelles speech about the importance of not being stuck in the past also gave advice on when it’s appropriate to wear wetsuits, this way not just giving good advice, but also insights about one of her big passions, open water swimming. 

Roland pondered in his speech “The power of choice” on whether we really have choices when things get tough and came to the convincing solution that yes, we do. 

Santhiago told us on how to “Think for yourself” on both airport queues and financial advices, making sure we’re now less likely to follow the crowd without second though.

As final speaker in the international speech, Monica held a speech with the boisterous title “The communication war in our sergeant role”, detailing her views on communication and information overloads in the 21st century and their impact on communities and us.

Harry presenting the winners of the International Speech Contest: Santhiago (1st) and Monica (2nd)

All being excellent speeches, it was a difficult choice for the judges.

Next up was the evaluation contest. Benjamin from TopNotch Toastmasters gave an insightful speech on Chat-GPT and related AI products and possible dangers and countermeasures, which was evaluated by Janna, Roxy, Alice, Sara and Samira in that order after a challenging 5 minute preparation time. While nervousness showed here and there, we all learned a lot. Congratulations to all, for 4 out of 5 evaluators it was their first contest.

Harry presenting the winners of the Evaluation Contest: Alice (1st), Samira (2nd) and Sara (3rd)

Last up was the table topic contest. Table topics are 1-2 minute impromptu speeches, and in a contest, all competitors have the same topic. This time, it was “A night at the movies”. Our Contestants Kevin’s, Thomas, Gabriel, Riccardo and Hugo enlightened us with a variety of interpretations, from their adventures in a moist 4DX cinema to appreciation of new experiences and cherishing the people that make you experience them. In a fitting finale, Hugo quite literally ended the Table Topic contest with a literal bang.

Harry presenting the winners of the Table Topics Contest: Gabriel (1st), Kevin (2nd) and Riccardo (3rd)

Thanks to all the Contributors & Organizers the evening went smoothly and enjoyably for all involved.

We want to congratulate all contestants and especially the top two places in each category of the Club Contest, who will represent Zuriberg Toastmasters at the Area Contest on the March 30th. Fingers Crossed!

Looking forward to seeing all of you again on our next regular meeting on January 31th, themed “Universe”.

All the best

Richard Bruckner

Curiosity – Meeting January 10th

Word of the Day

Dear Zuriberg Toastmasters and Friends

The new Calendar Year started for Zuriberg Toastmasters Club past Tuesday, 10th of January 2023 as lively and animated as the year 2022 ended. With ‘CURIOUS’ as the theme of the evening, an Evaluation Workshop, 4 prepared speeches and 4 great evaluations the agenda was packed and promising. And everybody delivered! Yours truly presented an introduction to Evaluation Theorie with emphasize on how to prioritize and structure successful feedback. Reference notes can be found here.

The speeches by Kevin von Niederhäusern, Gabriel Espadas, Svetlana Sailer and Hugo Schotman were varied and rich. We learnt about overcoming fear and apprehension when speaking in public, why we should never underestimate the (emotional) intelligence of animals, the wondrous relationship between neuropeptides and the human emotional stages and last but not least a lot about the motivation of Hugo Schotman to once more devote time and energy to the practices thought at Toastmasters! To all the speakers a great compliment for the effort and time they have put-in in preparing. 

As the evening was essentially an Evaluation Workshop, evaluators had to overcome a significant hurdle to deliver their assessment. In a twist to normal procedure, evaluations were given right after each speech and evaluators had only two minutes to prepare. The result was astounding: Precise, coherent and on-point feedback delivered in pleasant, encouraging ways. Admittedly, with one exception all evaluators were well versed in the art – but the one exception, Alice, did as well and eloquent as did the longstanding pillars of Toastmaster knowledge: Santhiago, Harry and Tatyana. A big thank you goes to Nicola and her evaluation team members: Yesenia, Rafael and Emilio for the supporting roles and great general feedback on the whole evening. 

The next meeting on January 24th 2023 is the Zuriberg Club Contest with 14 participants in 3 different categories! Please join us for an evening of great performances and help cheer and celebrate the brave girls and guys throwing their hat in the ring!

With kind regards and best wishes for a productive and successful (dry) January 
Please click here for details of our next club meeting

Roland Straub

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

Dear ‘Zuriberg’ Members, Friends and Guests

Past Tuesday, December 13th 2022 at the occasion of our Club Christmas Party – held in the beautifully decorated Guildhall at the Blue Monkey – I invited a festive and cheerful crowd to use the coming Holiday Season to reflect on their individual journey through this soon ending year 2022; be this in respect to their development as Toastmasters – be this in respect to their individual life path.

The ensuing joy- and cheerful evening with an interactive Christmas Quiz, co-hosted by the Quizmasters Alice and Richard, the rich and delectable Christmas Dinner and the christmasy-themed Table Topics hosted by Harry might have somewhat distracted from this invitation but certainly made for a wonderful and entertaining evening. Though nothing is lost – not even in respect to the suggested reflections – since the calmer days of the Holiday Season are still ahead. 

Toastmasters Zuriberg after a successful end of the Zuriberg Year (apart from Roland, who took the pic)

With that in mind I’d like to expand on the reflection theme some more and share a deeply felt wish with all of you:

I hope that in the year to come, you’ll make mistakes! Because only by making mistakes you’re actively expanding your horizon, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself and changing your world. As Toastmasters we avoid getting in a stalemate stage, we don’t stop and we don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect! Then whatever it is: work, family, love, or life in general we go on trying, making mistakes and in the process we receive the gift of getting better!

So my wish for all of you including myself: Whatever it is we’re scared of doing, let’s do it.

Marry Christmas to you all and a happy, joyful and fulfilling New Year
Please click here for details of our next club meeting

Roland Straub

Preview to our Christmas Party

Dear Zuribergers and friends of Zuriberg

For those of you who have missed our special award dinner on the 29th of November, stay cheerful because we are not yet done with end-of-year festivities. Next Tuesday we will host our traditional Christmas party, with Alice bringing a program full of sparkles and fun as our Santa-Claus-Toastmaster of the evening. Together with her, Richard will charge the Christmas atmosphere with themed fun game that will leave you with a smile, a little more knowledge – and a sweet prize for the winner. Harry will make sure our speaking skills don’t go rusty before we spread out for Christmas break. 

For this last Zuriberg meeting of the year, let our attire show how much we cherish this occasion. For Gents we suggest a 3-piece-suit with Christmas decor. Ladies: Something elegant to level up with the Gents 😉 Christmas features are more than encouraged!

Drinks and delightful desserts will be on the house! 

Let’s make this a memorable celebration to leave us energized for the last gift hunt, last batch of Christmas bakes and lots of glühwein still to come. Have a wonderful week, get your festive mindset ready and come in good spirits next Tuesday.

All the best and see you all coming Tuesday
Please click here for details of our next club meeting

Roland Straub

Award Dinner – Meeting November 29th

Dear fellow Toastmasters

I sometime hear the underhanded and possibly somewhat ‘woke’ remark that contemporary life is loosing the power to celebrate. And there might be a kernel of truth to that often rather innocently uttered complaint because the desire to be entertained and amused is high on anybody’s list these days. However, contrary to the passive nature of receiving pleasure afforded by an amusing act or a spectacle – Celebration is a confrontation; it means giving attention to the transcendent meaning of our actions.

And this is exactly what happened at the occasion of Zuriberg Toastmaster Club 2nd annual Award Dinner yesterday. Tatyana was the most graceful and eloquent host of this special evening and as ‘Lady in red’ (‘I have never seen that dress you’re wearing’) did share litte ‘rebellious’ secrets about all the performers of the evening! The two specially honored members were Michelle Sabatini and Nicola von Lutterotti. Nicola, more engaged in her professional life than ever, is not only an honored and most distinguished Toastmaster but also in high international demand at scientific conferences and podiums. Thus Zuriberg had to take second row and bestow the award ‘in absence’! All the more did we all celebrate the presence of Michelle and members and well wishers are looking forward to raise their glass with Nicola at the occasion of the Club’s Xmas Celebration on Dezember 13th! 

District 109 Director Karina gives her speech

Thirty members and guests (among them the Area Director Christina Gomez and the District 109 Director Karina Castella – who is of course a member of Zuriberg TMC) – seated at the festively prepared large banquet table – had the privilege to witness two exceptionally well prepared recognition speeches – by Santhiago Alves Vieira for Nicola and by Harry Loots for Michelle and in true Toastmaster manner these star performers got well formulated and very appropriate feedback from Alice Nuslova (Santiago) and Thomas Mühlegger (Harry)! The evening ended with aligned Table Topics which were won by Riccardo Stella. 

I take this opportunity to thank all the contributors to this indeed most successful demonstration of a Toastmaster Showcase and all members and guests for their help and contribution to make this Club the vibrant and truly ‘alive’ organization it is!

Best wishes
Please click here for details of our next club meeting

Roland Straub

A bewitching prospect

Dear Zuribergers!

For the story tellers among us, the theme of our next meeting – bewitching – is the perfect start into a world of tales – be they fairy tales or tall tales. 

In every day life, if can help to be bewitching once in a while – for example, if you want to convince your boss to give you a pay raise. In this case, it’s essential to make your case with allure (word of the day).

A reminder to our speakers: Please confirm your role and fill in the title of your speech!

Also, we need one evaluator and a sergeant at arms to help us with preparing the room: Bewitch your Toastmaster of the Evening Vanessa by signing up NOW Big eyes

All the best and have a wonderful Sunday


Upcoming Meetings

Dear Zuriberg Toastmasters

The adjective ‘poignant’, the theme of the our meeting coming Tuesday November 15th 2022, has several distinct meanings according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary: It can be used to describe something painfully affecting feelings, i.e. piercing (e.g. ‘my boss made a poignant statement about the quality of my work’) or something touching (e.g. she gave a poignant eulogy) or to make an impression, i.e. cutting (e.g. this standup comedian delivers poignant satire). It is also used to describe something as pleasurably stimulating (e.g. ‘the meetings of my local Toastmaster Club are poignant entertainment’) or to describe something as apt (‘the minister’s speech about the current state of the economy was informative and poignant’).

In short when we use the adjective ‘poignant’ we normally refer to some actual action, event or occurrence influencing our emotions in various ways. This brings me directly to two upcoming events at Zuriberg Toastmasters: The Award Dinner on November 29th (Tuesday in a fortnight) and the Club Contest held on January 24th 2023. With respect to the Award Dinner I specifically call out to past members who still receive this news letter to come and join the Zuriberg Community for that evening. We’ll witness two presenting speeches, evaluations of this speeches and table topics. Matching the occasion dinner is a tad more festive and there is an opportunity to socialize with current and hopefully many past members as dinner time is prolonged  The now yearly held ‘Zuriberg Award Dinner’ is a simple enough affaire without glamour and a red carpet. Also we do not use the occasion to roast certain people – but to recognize a small number of commit tee selected members for their extraordinary past and current contribution to make this club a better place to experiment, to gain experience and to learn – helping to make every single member a small grain wiser with each meeting.

Regarding the Club Contest held on January 24th 2023 there will be more information coming forth coming Tuesday November 15th. But I use this occasion to encourage all members to participate and to inform either the VP of Education Vanessa Stournari or the Contest Chair Harry Loots before December 31st 2022 of your intention to compete!  Please note: The only speech contest with an education requirement is the International Speech Contest. To participate in any level of the International Speech Contest, a member must have completed Levels 1 and 2 of any path in the Toastmasters Pathways learning experience. Only members who joined Toastmasters prior to the rollout of Pathways in their region can apply speeches from the Competent Communication manual to speech contest eligibility. For members who qualify, at least six speeches in the Competent Communication manual must have been completed.

Best wishes and see you in great numbers coming Tuesday and at other poignant Zuriberg Toastmaster Club events in the near future
Please click here for details of our next club meeting

Roland Straub

Gut feeling versus fortune tellers – Meeting November 1st

Dear Zuribergers!

Last tuesday, the oracles (theme of the day) were challenged with difficult yet relevant questions like: “Should I rather marry the sexy beggar or the rich bore?” or “Which hair colour should I wear on my next job-interview – green or purple?”

Not all advice-seekers were satisfied with the answer they received. One even went haywire (word of the day) when he was told to rather look for a shrink then for a new job.

As it turned out, most speakers and evaluators didn’t trust the fortune-tellers. When having to make a decision, they rather relied on their sisters and mothers, their gut-feeling, a suitable coach or simply good luck.

Our next meeting will take place in TWO weeks that is November 15th.  So far, all roles are taken with the exception of the joker (hot seat).

Have a wonderful week and see you soon

All the best

Please click here for details of our next club meeting

Nicola von Lutterotti